Breakthrough Prayer

Wow. You know when you’re a little kid and there was that certain gift you wanted for Christmas? The one, you hoped for with every excited ounce of your body? You gave every detail possible about this gift to your parents and were constantly overcome with how your life would end if you didn’t get this particular present! You waited, and waited…and waited in eager anticipation for the day to come where it would be revealed if THAT GIFT had been intentionally placed beneath the tree with your name on it. 

And then, do you remember what it felt like on Christmas morning when you hadn’t slept all night and snuck downstairs in the dark before anyone was up because you couldn’t contain yourself anymore? Parents across the globe realize that Christmas morning is liable to begin at 4:00am and that sleeping-in is a mute point on Christmas Day. Now if you had siblings, who were just as excited as you were, well, you can see the circus frenzy in your mind, right?

And that gift you have been wanting for what seems like, your entire life, is there…waiting for you…and ready to be opened, still hidden beneath the wrapping. It was actually bought months ago but of course there was an appointed time for the gift to be given.

What about Legos? Can anyone relate to their child who was obsessed with building Lego models? I had three boys two years apart but it was my oldest who was the Lego architect in our home. Who can relate to stepping on a piece the same color as the carpet - side note chuckle - ouch multiplied countless times!! Anyway, all the pieces were provided individually wrapped by color. And your child has them in piles with small opened plastic baggies strewn all over the floor. They begin building. It takes days. And then, there’s that once piece that’s gone missing and the entire building process is halted until that one piece is located. Can anyone relate? There ensues a lot of freaking out on your child’s part. And you, wanting to make things better, get on your hands and knees with a flashlight and go looking for that one MIA lego. You hunt for days. You console a lot of tears and tantrums and reassure them that piece is there somewhere and it will be found, hoping it wasn’t tracked outside or accidentally thrown away.

And then, three days later, your child comes screaming out of the bathroom that he FOUND IT!! Evidently he had the piece in his hand when he went in to potty and laid the lego on the granite counter where the piece blended in perfectly and was easily overlooked; although there the entire time, just out of sight because everything surrounding it was so much the same color.

How often do we KNOW there is something we are missing, know we need resources, don’t know what they are, but they are out there and it’s just a matter of persevering and looking until we find them? And when that certain missing piece is finally revealed, surely, it’s like receiving that coveted Christmas gift! And like that camouflaged Lego piece, it was actually there all along but God released it exactly when we needed it, in His perfect timing - not ours.

Peeps, I have had a heck of a life. I have had an INCREDIBLY challenging marriage. I have been through the meat grinder with my boys. I have lost friends and churches, been estranged from family. And by all accounts, had I relied on earthly advice from well meaning people over the years, I most likely would be remarried to someone else, maybe had more children, who knows, which was NOT God’s will and destiny written for my life.

It was and continues to be that still small voice deep inside my spirit that beckons me to follow the sound of Him - God’s divine heartbeat that pulses hope and promise, knowing His entire intention all along was for repair and restoration in me, my husband, my marriage and my family, if only I would seek and partner with HIS plan, standing on Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you; to give you a hope and future. 

It was and continues to be that still small voice deep inside my spirit that beckons me to follow the sound of Him

God knows the plans. We don’t. But the success of our outcome always comes on the heels of “Are we ok NOT knowing His plans but TRUSTING His promise that His plans will PROSPER AND NOT HARM us?” And the million dollar question is, “Are we willing to follow Him on the narrow path in SPITE of us having no idea what His plans are for us and for our circumstances, while choosing to believe every outcome will bring good in some way for our growth and maturity?”

Is it hard? Good LORD! God’s plan and purpose for our life is the farthest thing from EASY!! And it’s more like stepping on countless rogue Lego pieces and letting out one painful grown after the other rather than it being the unicorns and rainbows we wished it would be. Following God’s will and destiny is an incredible refining process that HURTS but it is SO WORTH the pain of being willing to walk through it! It’s like persevering to find the missing piece and doing that over and over builds an incredible sight to behold when it’s completed. When we quit because it gets too hard or we get tired of looking for the missing piece, it’s like having a room FULL of partially built and ultimately discarded Lego models, left to accumulate dust, not ever owning the worth of what they initially cost. They turn into waste, when, with some perseverance, they could have turned into the masterpieces they were intended for. 

If we stay the course of God’s plan, we will always emerge the trial having had some form of dross melted off of us, leaving us cleaner, more beautiful, wiser, more knowledgable, having more understanding, having been given better discernment, and ultimately resulting in having deeper supernatural and Godly perspective! Is it hard? YES! Is it worth it? YES!! But each trial brings with it resources of further refinement. And we partner with building our models to the next level of completion. 

I encourage you to STOP looking for the answers on Google and start looking for the answers from the One who has EVERY answer possible: your Heavenly Google; your Father, your Creator, your Daddy through HIS SON, JESUS! 

The world not only has zero answers for us to hold onto but is also hell bent on destroying us, our spouses, our marriages, our children and our families because the world is run by the enemy of our souls, who comes to lie, kill and destroy us. The world is carnal and ONLY has itself to rely on which translates into relying on our OWN minds, our OWN emotions, and our OWN flesh and ALL of them naturally slip into partnering with the the lies of hopelessness and despair of this fallen world. And every single one is finite. All flesh dies eventually. Hope that is ALIVE brings Freedom with it and is found in placing our trust in Jesus and in Him alone.

I have been in an ongoing trial for 25 years. It’s been long and brutal. But it’s been incredibly refining peppered with both hopelessness looking at it through eyes of flesh and Hope looking at it through the eyes of Jesus. 

Hope that is ALIVE brings Freedom with it and is found in placing our trust in Jesus and in Him alone.

Recently, I downloaded the YouVersion Bible App on my phone and started a Daily Devotion called 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer by Jamie Rohrbaugh (website: She prefaces the daily devotion with a printable “Breakthrough Prayer” she had written a while back when some friends of hers were going through some very difficult injustices and had continued to remain on the losing end of things - which is counter to God’s promises. She shared that in one case the situation turnaround literally the same day she prayed it. The second situation turned around a couple days later. Sounds like a “power prayer” to me and it made it’s way into my life at just the right time!

So being encouraged, I downloaded this prayer and began praying it out loud once a day every morning. Now mind you, I have been praying for something significant for 25 years, wondering when in the world, breakthrough would ever come. It took me praying this specific prayer for about a week when the walls came tumbling down and breakthrough broke forth like a dam breaking after two decades!

THIS PRAYER is that coveted Christmas present! THIS PRAYER is the missing Lego piece!! I have been walking with God for a very long time and THIS PRAYER right below may be the key to your breakthrough too! It’s based on God’s promises, all found in the Bible. And although references are not included, they are easy to look up. 

Sounds like a ‘power prayer’ to me and it made it’s way into my life at just the right time!

If you find yourself in a situation right now where there is or has been injustices waged against you, where you’ve been waiting for breakthrough, and it just hasn’t come, I encourage you: 

Please print this prayer out and pray it out loud each day! It wages war on whatever evil scheme has prohibited your desired breakthrough be it a new job, a health ailment, acceptance into a program, money stolen from you, etc! God’s desire it to right the wrongs in your life!

And please, write me and let me know what your breakthrough was!!

Standing and believing with you!

You are loved more than you know :)

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You in Jesus’ name. Father, thank You for seeing everything that is going on in my life. Thank You for always taking care of me. I know You have a good plan for my life, and You have promised that all things will work together for my good because I love You and am called according to Your purpose.

Father, You see what is going on in my life. You see _______, and You see that it is unjust. And Father, righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne.

So Father, because You are righteous and just, I know that You are ready to move on my behalf. I believe that You are ready to reverse this situation for me according to Your Word.

So Father, I ask in Jesus’ name first that You, the God of all comfort, would comfort me during this season.

I charge the angels of God to minister to me right now in Jesus’ name. I bind away every lie, plot, and trick of the enemy off of my life and I loose healing, wholeness, life, truth, and holy vindication into my life.

I speak to the hidden things the Father desires to reveal, and I command them to be revealed right now in Jesus’ name. 

I decree the light of the Holy Spirit must shine into this situation right now. I decree divine reversal for the cause of righteousness, truth, and justice right now in Jesus’ name. I decree that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me in judgement I shall condemn. This is my heritage, for I am a servant of the Lord. My righteousness is of the Lord.

I decree that nothing shall in any way harm me or my family.

I decree in the name of Jesus that the enemy may come against me one way, but he will flee before me seven ways! I decree this giant must fall right now in Jesus’ name and that this situation works out for my good.

I call forth promotion for myself because of this fight. I decree that this situation will result in blessing and increase for me in Jesus’ name. 

I speak to the finished works the Father prepared before the foundation of the world for me to walk in, and I command them to manifest right now in Jesus’ name. I decree in Jesus’ name that, like the grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies, but then rises again and bears much fruit, I also will bear much fruit because of this season of death and the subsequent resurrection that will come.

I plead the Blood of Jesus over my relationships.

I enforce, impart, and release until, forgiveness, healing, transparency, the Father’s love, and mercy into all my relationships right now in Jesus’ name.

I pluck out every arrow the enemy has shot into me and my family right now in Jesus’ name, and I cast those arrows to the ground useless and of no effect. I plead the blood of Jesus over those wounds, and I release healing into them, in Jesus’ name.

I bless the situation I am going through with fully performing God’s purpose for it in Jesus’ name, and with bringing forth the great victory that Jesus purchased in the cross for me. Let it be manifest and completely done now. I bless myself with supernatural empowerment that will enable me to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

And now I speak to this situation and I say:

  • Forgiveness of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!

  • Will of God, come forth in Jesus name!

  • Vengeance of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!

  • Mercy of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!

  • New beginning from God, come forth in Jesus name!

  • Love of God, be revealed and come forth in Jesus’ name!

  • Kingdom of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!

  • Restoration of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!

  • Peace of God which surpasses all understanding, come forth in Jesus’ name!

  • Comfort of the Holy Spirit, come forth in Jesus’ name!

  • Divine reversal according to the Father’s plan, come forth in Jesus’ name!

  • Honor from God, come forth in Jesus’ name!

I am calling upon the Lord, and He will answer me. He is with me in trouble. He will deliver me and honor me.

I speak to the situation and I say: Let the valleys be brought up. Let the mountains be brought low. Let the crooked places be made straight. Let the rough places be made smooth. Let the glory of the Lord be revealed, and let all flesh see it together.

Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering my prayer. I bless you for it, and I give You all the glory for everything You are going to do.

In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Prayer written by Jamie Rohrbaugh

21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer (YouVersion Bible App)