The Power of the Tongue


I am 48 years old.  My father was a Sheriff's Department captain and was a handsome man with a heck of a lot of abandonment issues.  My mother was a beautiful woman but also an emotional wreck having grown up in an emotionally abusive and neglectful home.  And then they had me. 

In a nut shell, they divorced when I was 10, and both remarried; my father - his secretary, my mother a fund raising consultant.  I inherited a couple of step sisters on my dad’s end, none on my moms (thankfully).  Hence,  I engaged the war zone of tip toeing through a bitter divorce and blended family. It was a nightmare until my dad died of cancer when I was 19 where my step family and I parted ways. The ironic thing about his death was 4 years prior and 1 year before he was diagnosed he told me this, “There will never be any peace in this family until one of us dies, and I know I’m going first” (referring to dealing with my mother).  For the next year I watched a lump grow on my dad’s face by his left ear until he finally had it biopsied.  Malignant melanoma.  It took him three years to die.  Looking back, this was my first experience with spoken curses that manifest out of spoken words. My dad was not saved.  I had no church background except my catholic paternal grandma’s spoken words of faith to me.   My only stability growing up came from her.  She was my world and I knew I was always safe with her. Although she has long passed, to this day, I credit her with my faith and the emotional stability I have. 

The Power of the Tongue

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.  Proverbs 18:21 Speak life and live.  Speak death and die.

…but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. James 3:8  But GOD can tame our tongues if we ask Him to! 

In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. James 3:5 It is imperative that we partner with God and ask him for help in what and how we speak!

Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips. Psalm 141:3

Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity. Proverbs 21:23

Ladies, we were created to speak LIFE!  When we ask God to help monitor our mouth and make us aware of the things we say, He will help us to do just that!  When we speak kindly, calmly, patiently; when we build others up, encourage them and bless them with our words, they walk away uplifted, encouraged and empowered!  We have breathed the breath of heaven into them and covered them with God’s supernatural love!  Who doesn’t want that?!!

The same is true when we are short, rude, and impatient.  Our words reflect that as well.  Have you ever been spoken to that way?  How did it leave you feeling?  Horrible and hopeless I bet.

How do I know this?  Well studying scripture for one but the fact that both my husband and I have spent 2 DECADES speaking death to each other.  UGH.  Have you ever noticed how much EASIER it is to speak kindly to someone you don’t REALLY know?  I have ignorantly lived a life of preferring to don a mask and only reveal a smidgen of myself to someone I don’t REALLY know rather than to be completely vulnerable and reveal ALL of myself to the man I have been married to for 25 years.  SAD.  EPIC FAIL on my end. BUT!!!  To those of us who have salvation in Jesus Christ - God continues to reveal His truth and restore me and ultimately my marriage!  AMEN!  And thank God for that!  

I will continue to share my failures - along with my successes in hopes that you might not make my same mistakes and save yourselves a ton destruction along the way.

To sum this up, I have had a rough road. God saved me 20 years ago and I have been on the quest to learn and know as much of Him as I can.  I live to see the Kingdom of Heaven invade earth.  I have tasted and seen what living by God’s principals has yielded in my life —unlimited possibility.  I have also suffered the consequences of implementing curses and NOT living out how God calls me to live and they have been heartbreaking.

I yearn to see Him and know Him more.  The life inside me directly flows out of His abundant love for me.  I want you to have that too.  It’s radical and defies logic.  But I have experienced a power that is unlimited and has no boundaries.  It’s beyond comprehension.  Go there with me!!  

Whether you want to believe it or not, and whether you choose to follow it or not, God and His word IS the THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE.  It will fulfill itself on every level, whether you tap into it or not.  Truth is truth.  A self proclaimed atheist, Josh McDowell, who set out to disprove Christianity was eventually captured by the love of Jesus and brought to salvation because God cannot be disproven.  He CAN be ignored, dismissed, not believed and maligned but He cannot ever be disproven.  

We were created to make His Glory be manifested through us.  We were created to bless and not curse.  “The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. [God’s] purpose is to give [us] a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10.  God’s purpose for your life is to give you an ABUNDANT life, not a ho-hum mediocre life!  AN ABUNDANT LIFE - and ALL that goes along with it!!

Father, I pray the blood of Jesus over each reader today.  I pray Your destiny over their lives. Pour out Your love over them.  Expose the lies of the enemy they have believed and reveal Your life-giving truth.  Let them live a life FREE from limitations because Your word says they can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens them.  I pray healing and deliverance, blessing, protection and unity over them, their marriages, their husbands, their children and their families. Let Your living water flow over them.  Holy Spirit come and brood over and around them and cause new life to come.  Reveal to them who YOU say they are - MORE than conquerors in Him who loves us!  Strengthen them and give them CourageFire!  In Jesus name, amen.

Song of the Day

I have included a link to a printable short book on radical faith from Bill Winston Ministries.  It’s a great read and follows the principles I will be writing about in the future.  

In love,