Hi, my name is Kelly Ryken.  

I have made more mistakes in life than I can count. But in the suffering, Jesus and Father God have been more than faithful to repair, restore and redeem every single situation. I am a mom to three grown sons, one who is married and expecting his first son. And I have been married to both the love of my life as well as my arch nemesis for just shy of 30 years. He is a police officer and hands down, he is the most incredible human being I know. I dedicate this blog to him. As without our decades of marital difficulty, I would not be who I am today encouraging others and speaking life and possibility into seemingly hopeless lives and marriages.

I pray this blog encourages you to not lose hope. Don't give up on yourself, your family, your marriage and especially the One who loves you more and any mere human possibly could. With God, all things are possible. My heart is for the hurting and often broken women - especially Law Enforcement Officer Wives - because I am one. I not only know the chaos of growing up in a broken and dysfunctional home, but I also grew up as the daughter of a Captain on the LASD, am married to a Sergeant on the LASD and am the mom of a deputy of the LASD. I've been immersed in Law Enforcement my entire life and I know how difficult it can be coping with the aftermath thrown at family members who are on the streets day in and day out protecting the innocent.  I support, herald and pray over all our brothers and sisters who rock the Thin Blue Line.

God has blessed me with my heart's desire that He gave me as a child - to be a wife and a mom. Although I feel I was a better mom than wife, God continues to restore that amazing title for me.  I am an author, public speaker and continue learning as much as I can about the Kingdom of Heaven, tending my marriage, encouraging my adult sons to pursue their dreams, serving in church ministry and writing this blog to encourage women to not give up.

Diamonds are formed out of adversity in the soil. The most significant gift to my life is my husband, Dale. Doing crazy life with him simply drove me to my knees out of complete desperation for answers to my marriage as well as for his protection while he was at work. Without him, I would not have the relationship I have with the Father. We have truly been born out of the soil of adversity and we now stand as brilliant diamonds and a testimony to God's grace and power to heal. 

I have partnered with JC in Me ministries to get prayer soaps, lotions and pillow mists into as many homes as possible in order to remind wives to pray often for their LEO husbands <3 

If you need hope, encouragement or prayer, please refer to my other portions of this ministry above. May the Lord bless you, keep you, and help you rise into the incredible warrior He fashioned you to be.


Kelly :)