What is God Saying for 2017?

God is talking to us - all. the. time. But I think it’s safe to say there is a large population who don’t hear His voice. Some people don’t seek Him. Some are just too busy with life. Some actually do seek Him but claim to have never “heard” Him. John 10:27 says “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. Like I said, God is talking to us - all. the. time. The question is are we listening?

I am deeply grateful and blessed to hear God’s voice speaking to me. When He speaks, it’s like a bolt of lightening out of no where. His words are edifying, revealing, loving, gentle, merciful and encouraging and very often are for others. Occasionally, when someone comes across my path revealing their situation or pain, my heart is seared and I know I am supposed to pray over them words the Lord has given me. It’s an honor and I love being God’s vessel when He chooses to use me in this way.

Every year at the beginning of December I begin to seek the Lord about what He will speak over my family for the following year. I started doing this three years ago and combined it with a family Vision Board. God has a good plan for each of our lives and something powerful happens when we take God’s spoken words over us and combine them with vision. Hope arises. Encouragement is birthed. We have actively chosen to participate and have faith in God’s plan for our next twelve months. 

During this time, I actively begin seeking Him corporately also. For many years, I have subscribed to a website called the Elijah List in which solid proven Christians who frequently hear from the Lord submit their prophetic information and then it is publicly published. This website is a heartbeat of Heaven and God really starts pouring into His prophets about His plans for the following year in December. There is this Holy buzzing if you will; an ethereal energy. I can feel it. I excitedly dive into it and spend many hours printing out and highlighting pages regarding God’s plans for the new year. I then gather all my information and compose a list of Prophetic Declarations that I pray out loud for the next twelve months. 

This is called partnering with God. He has good plans for children. He reveals many of those plans collectively. God absolutely loves it when we press into Him and seek His will for our lives. Praying His plans out loud puts our faith into action in believing God will bring His words to fruition. 

Unfortunately, I learned to do this the hard way. In my younger years I wanted to do everything my own way, which generally met with chronically bad choices and hence even worse results. But slowly over time, I gained the wisdom that God’s plan is perfect for my life and my plans have only proven to yield less than desirable results. So I made a decision a long time ago to seek His way and not my own - hence, “Thy will be done.”.

Trust me. It hasn’t been pretty. I’ve been like a baby learning to walk and falling down more than walking. Humanity still kicks in and stirs my pot often. BUT I have peace knowing what God has spoken over my loved ones and myself. At the end of the day, I rest in what HE breathes over me and not in the worry of what I “coulda, shoulda or woulda” done.

While praying over this year’s list, I realized so many are unaware of God’s plans and words for their lives. So I am going to share them and then include a link in case you’d like to print them out as a prayer tool and reminder of the GOOD God has in store for you and your loved ones this year!

In a nutshell, God plans to do incredible things in 2017. If you’ve ever felt like you don’t fit in, God purposely planned it that way. He never intended for us to fit into the world. Instead He is lifting us up and equipping us with new vision to see beyond our once limited horizons. He is fitting us with new wings and lifting us out of plains of isolations and propelling us forward into the good plan He has in store for us. He is enlarging our territories and expanding our sight. But the key is to draw very close to Him this year. Only in His presence will He reveal His glory in your life. Many believers have been stuck in different seasons and have been hindered from moving forward. Trust God. He is getting ready to catapult you right over the walls that have blocked you for so long. Pray and partner with God about being loosed from past bitterness that prevents you from moving forward in the “new” God has for you. He is realigning relationships and bringing back the prodigals. Salvations will come like waves crashing on the shore. Eyes will be opened and ears will hear His truth - some for the very first time. We need to pray for the borders of our homes to be rebuilt. This is going to be a year of extreme favor. God is going to create explosive growth in life, business, ministry and all that we put our hands to. He is FOR His children. We are shifting from less than to more than enough this year. The enemy is well aware of God’s plans for us and has been and will continue to work overtime whispering doubt and creating demonic assignments to derail our focus and vision. No matter what, make up your mind to partner with what GOD has for you this year. It may prove difficult to remain steadfast but you will reap an incredible harvest if you do not give up. Again, the key is to stay close to God’s heart. Press in, talk to Him and take time to listen. Most importantly, BELIEVE what God is saying and speak it out loud - declaring it over your life. Declaring His truth into your life and over your loved ones is partnering with the GOODNESS He has for you. Complacency and doubt will not yield the harvest God intends for you. God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8) So if He instructed Noah to build a seemingly impossible ark and parted the Red Sea for Moses, He is also capable of completing the good plans He has for you! The fruition of those good plans rest in whether or not you choose to believe and trust God’s will for your life. Determine to do your part and watch in amazement God do His!  Happy New Year!

2017 Prophetic Declarations List
