You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; and light will shine on your ways. | Job 22:28

What is the difference between prayers, declarations and decrees? Prayer appeals to God for help and change for immediate circumstances. Declarations are when we personalize scriptures and insert ourselves and/or others into God's Word.  Declarations allow us to agree and align ourselves with the TRUTH of what God has already spoken over us.  For example, take 2 Timothy 1:7:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of peace, love and a sound mind

I turn this scripture into a declaration by then inserting myself or someone's name like this:

For God has not given [me] a spirit of fear, but of peace, love and a sound mind!  

An alternative way of speaking that declaration based on that same scripture could be:  I am NOT afraid!!  God orders my thoughts and I have a sound mind!  I walk in peace and love at all times! 

Another DECLARATION example is Psalm 1 (I exchange the word, "man" with my husband's name):  Blessed is the man (husband's name) who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down where the scornful gather.  But [husband's name] delight and desire are in the law of the Lord by day and night.  And [husband's name] shall be like a tree firmly planted by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; it's leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything [husband's name] does shall prosper.

Decrees partner with God for either 1) the desires He has placed in your heart, which He says He wants you to have OR 2) situations or circumstances that you want to see a 180 degree opposite outcome in.

Example 1) God spoke to my heart almost 20 years ago about being a public speaker in the future.  Currently, I am pretty isolated and not very social.  I don't know many people and the ones I do, I value incredibly.  How is God going to make me a public speaker?  I have no idea and it doesn't matter.  He has confirmed it over and over through the years so I have to believe it will come to pass at some point.  So my decree has been and continues to be - until God accomplishes this in me:

I decree that it is Your will for me is to be a public speaker.  You open all doors on my behalf and are in the process of doing something amazing!   People will be healed and restored by You through me! Thank you Lord for Your lovingkindness!  

Example 2)  Let's say your junior high child has started hanging with the wrong crowd and you are concerned.  After asking God for wisdom about how to approach the issue with your child, your decree should sound something like this:

I decree that my child (name) has excellent friends who are positive, morally well-rounded, of good character and they value and value the friendship with (child's name).  

Many decrees are NOT based on current situations but instead on what has not yet happened (Romans 4:17). It is imperative you learn to SPEAK your declarations and decrees OUT LOUD as well.  It basically wages war on the devil and gives you the victory as you learn HOW to fight the powers of darkness assigned against you GOD's WAY!  You then begin to activate the destiny of good God has purposed for your life. 

If you want to learn more, I highly recommend Me and my Big Mouth, by Joyce Meyer.  There is a link on my Resource page for purchase.