Two Masters

Every moment of every day, thoughts, motives, words, actions and heart postures are a direct result of WHO we have chosen to partner with in the spirit. Below are some very easy examples to understand and hopefully encourage you to see that true LIFE exists only when we make the active decision to align ourselves with Jesus and walk out a submitted and obedient life to Him. Getting off track once in a while due to our human frailty - which He is more than acquainted with by the way - is reality. But actively choosing to live a life off track leaves no room for dwelling in God’s grace, mercy or blessings. In opposing our Creator’s design and doing things “our” way, we fall into the lies and trap of the enemy, which goes all the way back to the Garden. Notice, it wasn’t Adam who was deceived, it was Eve. I suggest paying very close attention to the “Fall of Man.”

actively choosing to live a life off track leaves no room for dwelling in God’s grace, mercy or blessings

Adam was assigned by God to till and keep the Garden. Deception did NOT come by way of Adam. BEFORE God created Eve, He specifically told Adam to NOT eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Scripture does NOT say Eve was directly told by God, although she answers the serpent with the same information originally given to Adam. What we don’t know for certain is if God told Eve Himself or did Adam shared the information with Eve. Either way, she knew the truth but she listened to the tempter anyway.

Scripture says Adam was with Eve! What was he doing if he was with her and they both went over to the tree? Were they mesmerized by the snake’s eyes like in the old cartoon movie Robin Hood?

God to Adam: You can eat everything in the Garden EXCEPT from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. (boundary given for protection, safety and preservation of life and relationship) 

Unknown: Did God or Adam tell Eve about the boundary? If Adam shared, HOW did he express this seemingly VERY important knowledge with her? Did he casually mention it? Did he emphasize it’s importance? Just how did Eve receive this information? Was Eve completely aware of the boundary of that tree? The Garden was Utopia. It was heaven on earth. But It’s in the unknown where the breakdown occurred and led to both Adam and Eve wandering over to that tree.

The Serpent to Eve: “Did God really say?” which established DOUBT in Eve’s mind because no where in scripture does it say God specifically told Eve as He had told Adam about this boundary, leaving Eve to question what God really said! And we know how that story panned out! She ate the forbidden apple, passed it onto Adam and he also ate thereby dooming civilization to consequences for sinful disobedience. 

When Adam and Eve became aware of their nakedness, they were exposed to shame. They hid because of their new sin awareness. They were thus cast out of the Garden and their sin separated them and future generations from God. Thank You God that You had a plan all along to reconcile humanity to You by way of Jesus and His death on the cross. But given that, we ALWAYS have a choice as to WHOM we follow all day long. Do we follow the tempter - death? Or do we follow the Redeemer - life?

Our life is a direct reflection of the Garden scenario playing out over and over again in our lives. Depending on the strength of our relationship with God, we are daily tempted by the enemy’s statement of “Did God really say?” leaving us to doubt and wonder because we haven’t hidden God’s word in our hearts as He commands. If we are armed with “the sword of the spirit,” which is the word of God, our spirit radar alarm goes off and we are instantly armed with the TRUTH when challenged with satan’s lies about whatever it is during our day. 

Depending on the strength of our relationship with God, we are daily tempted by the enemy’s statement of “Did God really say?”

I don’t think much has changed from the Garden until now - especially living out the negative consequences of choosing our own way instead of what God says to do. That’s exactly what happened with both Adam and Eve’s disobedience. When we live in disobedience, we basically shut off His planned will and destiny for our lives, leaving us empty and unfulfilled and reaping less than desirable consequences. So where do we go from here?

Check yourself. Which master’s camp do you tend to spend the most time in purposely or unconsciously, intentionally or passively?

Father of Light
Spiritual Life
Good thoughts
Emotional & Spiritual freedom
Believing God
Taking responsibility
Slow to anger
Strive for peace

Father of lies
Spiritual Death
Bad thoughts
Doubting God
Blaming others
Easily offended
Quick to anger

Understand who is in charge of your camp. If adjustments are necessary, make them!  Don’t let the devil steal your God given peace as a new creation in Christ for one more minute! Then ask God to reveal to you the steps you need to take to move more fully into His camp, which is where His will, destiny, peace and blessing dwell <3